posted in: CASSANO | 0

Italy An Italian “electrical pipe” inspired by St Claude! Gerolamo Ceresa began at the end of the XIX century as a subcontractor for Rossi Factory (Barasso), but soon (1919) he founded new own very modern operated electrically (!) factory under … Continued


posted in: FRIBOURG & TREYER | 0

England, 1960-70s Fribourg & Treyer was perhaps the most reputable English tobacconist. “While most collectors are familiar with the “Royal Appointment” accorded certain well-established businesses in England (most commonly seen on Dunhill packaging) FRIBOURG & TREYER’s not only held an … Continued

KRISWILL Danish Clipper 628

posted in: KRISWILL | 0

Denmark, 1970s A product of the major Stanwell’s competitor – Danish manufactory named Kriswill after the foundator’s name – Karl Robert Kris, an engineer for the shipping company (initially it was named Kriswell , but Stanwell believed that name was … Continued


posted in: DAVIDOFF | 0

France Zino Davidoff (1906-1994), one of the most famous tobacco businessmen and revolutionary (even iconic) people of the XX century’s culture said “the pipe is a valuable companion, the essence of tranquility and must be smoked with respect”.

BBB Turnberry 539

posted in: BBB | 0

England, 1996 This canadian shape pipe bears proudly the oldest and most famous English stamping. The name BBB (Blumfeld’s Best Briar and later – Britain’s Best Briar) is very well known and popular from the middle of the XIX century … Continued