posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Authoritative sources attribute the authorship of IIS pipes to Karl Erik, a talented Danish craftsman, or to the renowned Preben Holm. In our opinion, this piece was most definitely crafted in the workshop of Karl Erik Ottendahl—the specific … Continued


posted in: STANWELL | 0

Denmark, 1960s An old and well-preserved Stanwell pipe that we can date fairly accurately. The registration number 969-48 was obtained by the company in 1948, and Stanwell pipes were marked with it until the early 1970s. At the same time, … Continued


posted in: ... MORE DANISH | 0

Denmark, 1980s At first sight, the pipe appears to be a part of the illustrious “Danish Golden era” freehands, standing proudly alongside the likes of Preben Holm, Karl Erik, and Holtorp creations. And indeed, this initial impression seems warranted, as … Continued

KARL ERIK Champ of Denmark 6

posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Champ of Denmark was a brand of the currently closed Larsen & Stigart tobacconist in Copenhagen, Denmark (along with “Larsen & Stigart”, “Shelburne”). As many advanced tobacco shops at that time had also an indoor production and employed … Continued


posted in: JOBEY DANSK, KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Jobey is the brand with perhaps the most tangled history. Since establishing in the 1920s the company has changed a whole row of owners, distributors and manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic. Frequently experts can’t reach an … Continued

W.Ø. LARSEN Port 84

posted in: W.Ø. LARSEN | 0

Denmark, 1980s The W.Ø. Larsen Port pipes are relatively affordable and they were made already during the 1980-90s, when the company tried to enter a mass market. Due to its unique shape the pipe sits in a hand very comfortably … Continued


posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark Karl Erik Ottendahl (1942 – 2004) was one of the most famous Denmark artisans, who offered good, “really Danish” pipes for an affordable value. He began smoking pipe when he was 14, and started carving as a hobby. Over … Continued