JOHN REDMAN Redonian De Luxe

posted in: JOHN REDMAN | 0

England A highly successful example of craftsmanship from the John Redman factory in the mid-20th century. Both the remarkable ‘oriental’ finish—first seen on Redman pipes before being adopted and successfully utilized by other artisans—and the thoughtful interpretation of the acorn … Continued

JOHN REDMAN Redonian De-Luxe

posted in: JOHN REDMAN | 0

England A unique upper-grade pipe from the John Redman pipe factory in London. The finish is well-known today for Ian Walker’s incredibly beautiful “Northern Briars Oriental” pipes. However, as we can see, the idea is much older, and it was … Continued


posted in: JOHN REDMAN | 0

England A very pleasant Redman’s bulldog pipe, most likely of 1970-80s years of birth. In any case the  series isn’t registered neither in earlier catalogues available to us, nor in other sources. Very probably, it was ordered by one of … Continued