Unsmoked meerschaum

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An unsmoked block meerschaum pipe from a 1950-70s English pipe collection. Length 13.9 cm (5.47″)Bowl Height 4.6 cm (1.81″)Outside Diameter 3.9 cm (1.54″)Chamber Diameter 2.2 cm (0.87″)Chamber Depth 3.5 cm (1.38″)Weight 54 gr.

Unbranded spigot

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Unknown origin A very interesting and ingenious construction: an apple-shaped spigot pipe with the gold filled collar and feets. So the traditional shape has been transformed into a sitter: it will reliably sit on the table while you pour some … Continued

Bruyere Garantie bulldog

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1920-30s? In the pre WWII period the nomenclature “Bruyere Garantie” (Real Briar, Echt Bruyere) was much more than just a stamping for identification of pipes made of briar (not of any other, cheaper wood). At the same time this nomenclature … Continued


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Unknown Unfortunately we don’t have an information about  Mr. Miller and don’t know where he lives. The surname Miller (Mueller etc) is very wide and popular in different countries and it’s equally written both in English and in Danish. Nevertheless we … Continued

CONDOR Bruyere Extra

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Unknown The pipe is really made of a fine briar, the grain is fantastic, almost 360 straight grain. The full bent shape is amazing, highly respected and collectable. Unfortunately its owner was not always careful with the pipe, we had … Continued

Easy Grip

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Unknown Pipe manufacturers used a number of technoligies and tricks to satisfy smoker’s requirements and give as much smoking confort as possible. One of the popular ideas in 1920-1950 was a special construction of the stem and the lips. Many … Continued