KRISWILL Dunish Clipper 628

KRISWILL Danish Clipper 628

posted in: KRISWILL | 0

Denmark, 1970s

A product of the major Stanwell’s competitor – Danish manufactory named Kriswill after the foundator’s name – Karl Robert Kris, an engineer for the shipping company (initially it was named Kriswell , but Stanwell believed that name was too close to theirs :-)). A skilfully made lightweight canadian pipe made in the 1970s with the eye-catching blast: both Stanwell and Kriswill carvers were very and very professional in blasting!

The pipe marking is “KRISWILL \ DUNISH CLIPPER \ HANDMADE IN DENMARK”, “628”. The length is 14.6 cm (5.75″), bowl’s height is 4.5 cm (1.77″). External diameter of the bowl is 3.2 cm (1.26″), internal diameter is 2.0 cm (0.79″). The depth is 3.8 cm (1.5″) and this pipe weights 33 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem (just a little bit patched in the button area – you may identify the trace under a very bright light), no filter.

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