posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Authoritative sources attribute the authorship of IIS pipes to Karl Erik, a talented Danish craftsman, or to the renowned Preben Holm. In our opinion, this piece was most definitely crafted in the workshop of Karl Erik Ottendahl—the specific … Continued

KARL ERIK Champ of Denmark 6

posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Champ of Denmark was a brand of the currently closed Larsen & Stigart tobacconist in Copenhagen, Denmark (along with “Larsen & Stigart”, “Shelburne”). As many advanced tobacco shops at that time had also an indoor production and employed … Continued


posted in: JOBEY DANSK, KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s Jobey is the brand with perhaps the most tangled history. Since establishing in the 1920s the company has changed a whole row of owners, distributors and manufacturers on both sides of the Atlantic. Frequently experts can’t reach an … Continued


posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark Karl Erik Ottendahl (1942 – 2004) was one of the most famous Denmark artisans, who offered good, “really Danish” pipes for an affordable value. He began smoking pipe when he was 14, and started carving as a hobby. Over … Continued


posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark “Attractive, well made but affordable Danish freehands and fancy pipes” (c) pipedia. That’s perhaps the best description of the main idea of Karl Erik Ottendahl (1942 – 2004) pipe making. A pipe smoker since 14 y.o., Karl Erik moved … Continued


posted in: JOBEY DANSK, KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark The origin of the Jobey brand is a kind of a mystery. The most probably the company was founded in the beginning of the XX century, but there is a contradictory opinion about a mother country of Jobey pipes. … Continued


posted in: JOBEY DANSK, KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark The origin of the Jobey brand is a kind of a mystery. The most probably the company was founded in the beginning of the XX century, but there is a contradictory opinion about a mother country of Jobey pipes. … Continued


posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark Karl Erik Ottendahl (1942 – 2004) was one of the most famous Denmark artisans, who offered good, “really Danish” pipes for an affordable value. He began smoking pipe when he was 14, and started carving as a hobby. Over … Continued


posted in: JOBEY DANSK, KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark The origin of the Jobey brand is a kind of a mystery. The most probably the company was founded in the beginning of the XX century, but there is a contradictory opinion about a mother country of Jobey pipes. … Continued

Knute of Denmark

posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark Rare and quite unusual pipe made by Karl Erik Otthendahl (better known as Karl Erik). It’s paradoxical shape, 360 straight grain and bird eyes on the pipe’s bottom make the pipe a really unique acquisition for any collection. The … Continued