KARL ERIK Champ of Denmark 6

KARL ERIK Champ of Denmark 6

posted in: KARL ERIK | 0

Denmark, 1970s

Champ of Denmark was a brand of the currently closed Larsen & Stigart tobacconist in Copenhagen, Denmark (along with “Larsen & Stigart”, “Shelburne”). As many advanced tobacco shops at that time had also an indoor production and employed such famous carvers as Søren Eric Andersen and Karl Erik Ottendahl who was the author of the majority of Champs, there is a great analysis on the rebornpipes blog.

Also we’d like to draw your attention that the shape of this pipe and the stem shape are very similar to many amazing Jobey Danks creatures, so we’re sure that our today’s pipe is the creation of Karl Erik as well.

Pipe markings “CHAMP \ OF DENMARK \ 6”
Length 14.6 cm (5.75″)
Bowl Height 3.8 cm (1.5″)
Outside Dimensions 3.9 x 5.4 cm (1.54 x 2.13″)
Chamber Diameter 2.1 cm (0.83″)
Chamber Depth 2.9 cm (1.14″)
Weight 47 gr.
Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter.

The pipe was accurately smoked, it has been thoroughly cleaned, polished, sanitized and now is ready for a new life. To pass through the air channel you may need to slightly bend the end of the pipe cleaner as in the last picture.

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