JEANTET nosewarmer

JEANTET nosewarmer

posted in: ... MORE FRENCH | 1


Jeantet is really a very old French company, the firm of the Jeantet family in Saint-Claude is first mentioned as early as 1775. But on the beginning it was a manufacturer of wooden shanks for porcelain pipes and cherrywoods. Production of briar pipes has been started in 1858 and all these years the company remained a family business, of course not excluding some slight organizational changes and restucturizations. The peak of production was achieved in the late 1960s – 30-35 thousands dozen pipes a year. Hovewer the next decades were not as such successfull and in 1988 the company was merged in the Cuty Fort Group (known for their Chacom brand name) along with Lacroix and Vuillard. Chacom closed Jeantet plant and currently Jeantet pipe are produced as a Chacom sub-brand. Some experts say the brand name isn’t a part of the group since 2010 and Jeantet pipes are not produced anymore.

The pipe marking is “JEANTET”. The length is 10.9 cm (4.29″), bowl’s height is 3.2 cm (1.26″). External diameter of the bowl is 3.7 cm (1.46″), internal diameter is 2.0 cm (0.79″). The depth is 2.6 cm (1.02″) and this pipe weights 32 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter. The stummel had a couple of small dents carefully and reliably patched during the restoration.

  1. Michael Nilsen

    1) Elba, Bruyere, made in France
    2) Gordon, Bruyere, Elba made in France
    GORDON (Arched, In Diamond)
    ELBA (In Diamond)
    BRUYERE (Arched, In Diamond)
    3) Elba, Bruyere, made in Italy Italy

    Is there any information on this line of pipes that you might have any knowledge of?



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