VAUEN Ascot 411
Germany The history knows Ascot pipes produced in the UK by H. Perkins & Sons since early XX century. Also a brand with the same name was produced in France by La Bruyère (since 1932) and then – by Chacom. … Continued
a new Victoria's Pipes site
Germany The history knows Ascot pipes produced in the UK by H. Perkins & Sons since early XX century. Also a brand with the same name was produced in France by La Bruyère (since 1932) and then – by Chacom. … Continued
Germany A true German mainstream! Among with Siemens, Lufthansa, Mercedes and many many other names Vauen became a real World known symbol of German quality, hard work and systematic approach in any manufacturing area! The De Luxe series is traditionally … Continued
Germany, 2000s Vauen pipes became de facto a standard of a mass market West European smoking pipes with a filter. One of the oldest German companies eclipsed all competitors both in Germany and neighboring countries and now it’s not only … Continued