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The Tinder Box is one of the most famous names on the tobacco market of North America. This is more than just a tobacconist, it’s a chain in Canada and the US, reached up to 200 retail outlets. Some pipes with the Tinder Box stamping can be unmistakably recognized as the Charatan’s and Ascorti products (both companies supplied successfully their pipes for The Tinder Box for many years). In our case the name of a manufacturer is difficult to identify, but the work is attractive indeed – both the shape (a very well thought out and slightly bent “chimney”) and the grain – a bright and uncompromising cross cut.

The pipe markings are “THE TINDER BOX \ DEEP GRAIN \ GRECIAN BRIAR”. The length is 14.2 cm (5.59″), bowl’s height is 5.7 cm (2.24″). External diameter of the bowl is 3.5 cm (1.38″), internal diameter is 2.0 cm (0.79″). The depth is 4.6 cm (1.81″) and this pipe weights 40 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter.

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