BRAKNER Antique 606

posted in: PETER BRAKNER | 0

Denmark An extra long lumberman pipe from one of the most bright and mysterious Danish carvers, Peter Brakner. Peter Brakner was born as Peter Micklson, but later changed this name to Brakner, most probably just for marketing purposes. The young … Continued

GBD Granitan 254

posted in: GBD | 0

England, 1950-70s A very stylish example of a creative approach and a bright imagination of carvers from the English GBD factory. The company was well known first of all as one of the oldest, most respected and one of the … Continued

BEN WADE 75 Lumberman

posted in: BEN WADE | 0

England, 1960s The pipe markings are “Ben Wade“, “MADE IN \ LONDON ENGLAND and “75” . The length is 14.8 cm, bowl’s height is 4.7 cm. External diameter of the bowl is 3.3 cm, internal diameter is 2.2 cm. The … Continued

BARLING Regency Exel

posted in: BARLING | 0

England An early transition Barling, born approximately between 1962 and 1968. Old good briar stocks were still available at that time and quality of pipes was as high as during the best Barling’s period.