The Universe is infinite – that we know from physics lessons at school. But it’s something very difficult for understanding and believe.
Much easier would be accept that the space of Itailian wines is almost inifinite – such a number of montepultiano’s sangiovese’s etc is hardly possible to keep in mind. We could say the same abour space of Savinelli pipes – there are almost one hundred of brands, subbrands and second in official sources!
We are prod to represen today another one from that hundred – a beautiful Roman! The pipe markings are “Roma”, “305 \ ITALY”. The length is 14.0 cm, bowl’s hight is 4.0 cm. External and internal diameters of the bowl are 4.0 cm and 2.2 cm. The depth is 3.2 cm and this pipe weights 38 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, 8 mm filter + 6 mm adapter for direct smoking.
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