POUL HANSEN Hansen Briar

POUL HANSEN Hansen Briar

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Denmark, 1960-70s

The early Poul Hansen pipes did look strange if not odd. Actually he came to pipe carving from machine and tool making and among he’s very much valued and respected customers were great pipe brands like Pibe-Dan, W.Ø. Larsen and others. And it seems it was not only a good business for him, but the source of an inspiration as well. First attempts were difficult, but Sixten Ivarsson recognized Poul’s talent and helped him to develop skills and phantasy.

The majority of Hansen Briar pipes were made in 1960-70s and distributed mostly to USA, Germany (many of them adapted for 9 mm filters) and Japan. Only limited quantity were sold in Denmark, but experts say, they were the top level jewels.

Since the middle of 1970s Poul Hansen took over a small pipe shop in Copenhagen and concentradet mostly on this business. “Poul Hansen is little known in today’s circles, those collectors (especially in the States) who have his pipes, tend not to sell them”. (pipedia) A real rarity!

The pipe markings are “HANSEN \ BRIAR \ HANDMADE”, “MADE IN DENMARK”. The lenghts is 17.4 cm (6.85″), bowl’s hight is 4.1 cm (1.61″). External and internal diameters of the bowl are 3.9 cm (1.54″) and 2.1 cm (0.83″). The depth is 3.5 cm (1.38″) and this pipe weights 39 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter.

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