JOHN REDMAN Buckingham square poker

JOHN REDMAN Buckingham square poker

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As simple as beautyful! A very unusual and we can say unique pipe made in the middle of the XX century on the John Redman pipe factory. The idea is simple and elegant: the lightweigt square poker pipe! A real eye-catcher!

The pipe markings are “Buckingham \ London Made”. The length is 13.6 cm (5.35″), bowl’s height is 3.9 cm (1.54″). External dimensions of the bowl are 3.0 x 3.1 cm (1.18 x 1.22″), internal diameter is 1.8 cm (0.71″). The depth is 2.9 cm (1.14″) and this pipe weights 32 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter. A couple of factiry fills and chips were carefully and reliably repatched during the restoration according to our own technology.

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