DUNHILL Cumberland 3103

DUNHILL Cumberland 3103

posted in: DUNHILL | 0
England, 2002

Even if Dunhill didn’t obtain a patent for usage of brindle ebonite for stems, their input in promoting of a new material and invention of a suitable and well memorable name for it is undoubted. The name was born in 1979, when a new series of sandblasted pipes with modern stems was christened in honor of Cumberland Street – the street where production and warehouse capacities of the company existed  comfortably for many years. This pipe is much younger then others at our site and it is a gift, thus it is stored in our collection and at times smoked with a great pleasure.

The pipe markings are”3103″, “(dunhill)”, “CUMBERLAND \ MADE IN ENGLAND 02”. The length is 14.2 cm, bowl’s hight is 4.0 cm. External and internal diameters of the bowl are 3.4 cm and 1.8 cm. The depth is 3.3 cm and this pipe weights 39 gr. Briar, cumberland stem, patented aluminium stinger.

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