England, 1960s
A very tasty and stylish Charatan’s Make pipe of their best period (“Lane era”), i.e. late 1960s – early 1970s, when the glory of Charatan’s eclipsed all competitors, including Dunhill. Attractive bent pipe with the unusual diamond shank. Undoubtedly recommended!
The pipe markings are “CHARATAN’S MAKE \ LONDON. ENGLAND \ SPECIAL”, “489DC”. The length is 13.8 cm (5.43″), bowl’s height is 4.7 cm (1.85″). External diameter of the bowl is 4.1 cm (1.61″), internal diameter is 2.2 cm (0.87″). The depth is 3.9 cm (1.54″) and this pipe weights 44 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter. The chamber has been protected with a break-in coat.
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