Denmark, 1960-70s
The name “Mr. Micklson” is quite uncomfortable for pronouncing. Perhaps it was the major reason why Peter Micklson changed his name (and the brand name) to Peter Brakner. First of all – to simplify his consumers’ life.
Of course changing the name isn’t enough to become a glorious pipe carver. To begin with, it would be really good to be born in Denmark. And of course, it would be very developmental to work some time for one of Danish tobacconists, i.e. for Suhr’s Pibemageri in Copenhagen. And for sure, it would be fantastic if your foreman is Sixten Ivarsson. So, from this point you can think about your own way.
As early as in the beginning of his personal way Peter Brakner won the 1955’s World Championship of Pipe Smoking. Of course, not as a smoker, but as a developer and supplier of a “smoking Ferrari” – his pipe. From this moment everyone understood that a new pipemaking star has raised.
Peter Brakner pipes together with Sixten Ivarson pipes were very well appreciated and very willingly sold by W.O. Larsen. And despite of Larsen’s “own make” pipes (made in the Larsen’s basement by numerous great Danish carvers) Brakner pipes were sold under the makers name (once again, together with S. Ivarsson pipes). By the way, our today’s pipe was represented in W.O. Larsen catalogues in 1961. Peter Brakner had a great success also on the other side of Atlantic, in USA. It was substantially earlier the Preben Holm’s Ben Wade phenomenon.
Brakner’s micro-rustication technique (named “Antique”) was not repeated by any carver, and Peter Brakner didn’t show it to any pipe maker, that is why his pipes are so rare and collectable now.
The pipe markings are “BRAKNER ANTIQUE \ DENMARK”, “HAND-CUT”, “2”. The length is 15.2 cm, bowl’s hight is 4.9 cm. External and internal diameters of the bowl are 3.1 cm and 1.8 cm. The depth is 4.0 cm and this pipe weights 32 gr. Briar, vulcanite stem, no filter.
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